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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Charity and non-profit

You are right! we have to pay $100 to get car insuance discount. It was cheap before.
By Law:
75% of income must use on the purpose of real things for all kind of members and persons for Charity association.
I think at least 70% of income must use on the purpose of real things for all of members for non-profit assocaiton not only focus on few people.


We always fight for our food and opportunities in our life, the only reason is to improve our current situation. Like we expected a good life in Canada so we have to look for a good person or leader in the good country.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / CPAC and Qu Tao
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi,

    I am so glad to see somebody come out and say something about the CPAC which hold lots of new immigrant's "blood". I should push Chinese to get involved in the main-stream socity but not CPAC leaders and Qu Tao.

    For examples:

    1. CPAC hold more than $400000 fund in hand and spend more $200000 a year in expense, I think you can count how many revenue they have in the past. 95% of those money is from the that $100 memebership fees and others are from sponsors.

    2. Qu Tao and other few CPAC leaders spend more $20000 on the community promotion means to use member's money to eat with other association leaders and politicians for the dinner, breakfast ......

    3. Most of activies you have seen from CPAC are the pictures of those few leaders always showed on the newspaper, tv ..... and the seminar from their sponsors because they have to push members to attend the seminar, otherwise those sponsors won't pay the money for their "political road".

    4. CPAC always charge money from members whatever kinds of events because they need make their "business" and "political fund" growth.

    Qu Tao is the person who raise the membership fee from $20 to $100 and some questions I want to ask him.

    1. How much do you spend your own money on CPAC event? 0 cent ?

    2. How much does CPAC spend on your "personal political road" $20000?

    3. How much doe you expense from CPAC ?

    4. Qu Tao and Jin LongHuan always shift their position between chairman and president every year plus the good staff award. It's so funny Last year Qu Tao was president, but this he became the chairman as well as Jin LongHuan represent the "good staff award" to Qu Tao last year, but this year Qu Tao will represent the "good staff award" to Jin. Are there any members dead or that's some kind of "vote trick" by bringing their own people on the AGM.

    5. Why CPAC own staff get the "award ticket" on the AGM the year before by the luck draw? I don't believe it just happened.


    We do need Chinese to stand up for us in main-stream, but not Qu Tao and few CPAC leaders, they only do the show and nothing for the members. It's so pity I don't see good leader so far, but the time will come. I think the situation will be even worse if somebody only care about their own "business" and "political road", but finally become an "real politician".

    Let's wake up and save our world by ourselves.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 基本上看明白了。123。(趁mssg不在)
      • mssg总是4点的好像,所以再加一点
        4。 不觉得“图利”有什么不对的,比如靠当政治家或活动家养家糊口,外加吃点宴席。只要能遵循规则,为他的支持者办事。
        • 我也觉得没什么不对,不是你自己巴巴的送上100块的吗?又没人强迫你,你也得到了好处。这个世界本来就只有两种人,吃别人的和被别人吃的。
          • Charity and non-profit
            You are right! we have to pay $100 to get car insuance discount. It was cheap before.
            By Law:
            75% of income must use on the purpose of real things for all kind of members and persons for Charity association.
            I think at least 70% of income must use on the purpose of real things for all of members for non-profit assocaiton not only focus on few people.


            We always fight for our food and opportunities in our life, the only reason is to improve our current situation. Like we expected a good life in Canada so we have to look for a good person or leader in the good country.
            • 100元是会员为了降保险自愿交的.如果你觉得贵,选另外一家或自己成立一个组织试试? 你以为说服保险公司为会员降保险很容易?有人愿意出头代表华人竞选总比没有好.应该鼓励!
              • have to
                I would like to say we have to pay that "$100" even we are not willing to.
                Yes, CPAC is only car insurance broker we can find right now and they did a great job by hold $400000 resevered fund.

                I love to say some good chinese leaders to stand up for us, but I also want to fight those "bad and fake" Chinese leaders who is a real "business man" and only do some kind "show" in the public.
                • 商人怎么啦? 他只是参选议员而已.即便是当今市长LASTAMN还是商人出身呢.PAUL MARTIN 也是成功的商人,难道就不应该选总理了?简单用好或坏来衡量一个人似乎太天真了吧.政治讲究的是利益,谁能最大限度代表大家的利益就选谁.
                  • Business man is normal person
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I do think business man is a normal person and have all kinds of right same with us.
                    The problem is those leaders I am talking about they act as a volunteer and talk about volunteer in the public, but you will be seeing "real business", "personal political road", "fake personal show" all the time when the internal thing was be unveiled.

                    Yes, CPAC member paid $100 membership fee and get the benefit of car insurance discount which should be happy about that and won't ask more.
                    but remember, the person who will be representing us at least should contribute a little a little their own money to do something for the people who will support him, but the answer will be no and don't even think about he care about your right later on. Maybe only how to get more money from your pocket.

                    Well, Qu Tao is a normal person like us and he is brave and smart guy who can quickly find the opportunites like car insurance, raise $20 membership fee to $100 permanent, and now be the first person of city consulor.
                    I just wish we can see a real good guy who would do something for real good and poor Chinese new immigrants, otherwise I would say there is no hope for most of Chinese immigrants from mainland China in Canada.

                    We will see and wish most of Chinese wake up to do something.

                    BTW, I did say the same kind of words to CPAC leaders but there is no userful, you know nobody wants to lose the power because the power means too much to the politician.

                    Good Luck to the good and nice our Chinese fellows!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 我宁愿将这么一个人喂的饱饱的,也不愿意再选一个或者更多出来从新再喂一次。
    • 我不是CPAC的会员,不认识曲涛,也不能听信你的一面之词。不过,如果我是你,我会把我的疑问发给所有的会员,而不是让不明事由的外人来评判
    • 40万?那是小钱;公关用的两万块钱更是鸡毛蒜皮,别人出来竞选的费用零头都不止这些,他们不也是用别人的钱吗?关键是选上之后,替出钱的人出头说话——这一点,曲涛能做到吗?