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Elite US schools have the best teachers in the world in my opinion, as the quality of their online lectures have shown. However, it appears that the assessment difficulty is similar to a top level Canadian schools (UofT, McGill, etc.). This is the crucial difference between UWaterloo and every other university.

UWaterloo assessment is brutal. In every way that an assessment can be made hard, it is done so. The tests are purely theoretical, making rote memorization useless. Furthermore, they are very long, putting slow and deep thinkers at a disadvantage. On top of all this, there is an extremely strict system of producing completely new exams and assignments, while making sure previous years' materials are not released. Combine this with an uncompromising curriculum in terms of breadth and depth, and you have one of the most rigorous CS programs in the world.

Now you can argue whether all of this is unnecessary (whiteboard vs terminal coding), but the truth is, the sheer difficulty of the challenge tends to weed out the uncommitted. The reason why UWaterloo grads are humble, is because they have had their egos beaten out of them. Without exception, every UW Math/CS undergrad is one of the smartest people in their high school/town/province. They come to UW, and within the first year, they have a serious confidence crisis as they are failing courses and getting marks they've never seen before (50s 60s 70s).

Once this occurs, they either quit, or swallow their ego and just focus on learning the material and preparing for the exams. There is no psychological foundation for arrogance, as even the best and brightest suffer failures repeatedly.

To summarize: UWaterloo is war. Your morale suffers, your friends fail and leave, and you lose all hope. But the few who survive are battle-hardend engineers by the end.

Unofficial UW motto: "Cry in the dojo, laugh in the battlefield."

Addendum: Co-op terms are a refreshing break from this academic war zone. I was always amazed at how simple, straightforward and fun actual work was in comparison to the ruthlessness of the curriculum.

The Waterloo (CS/Eng) intern ecosystem is immensely strong. First year students generally work at the best companies that they can, often taking smaller startups where they are able to learn the most. There's a steady transition to final co-op terms, where most classmates end up working in Silicon Valley, Redmond, NYC, and their own startups. It's a great place to be if you want to be part of brain drain.

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 转一个学生在滑大学习的真实感受,仅供参考。根据兴趣和性格,选择适合自己的学校和专业最为重要。 +5

    Elite US schools have the best teachers in the world in my opinion, as the quality of their online lectures have shown. However, it appears that the assessment difficulty is similar to a top level Canadian schools (UofT, McGill, etc.). This is the crucial difference between UWaterloo and every other university.

    UWaterloo assessment is brutal. In every way that an assessment can be made hard, it is done so. The tests are purely theoretical, making rote memorization useless. Furthermore, they are very long, putting slow and deep thinkers at a disadvantage. On top of all this, there is an extremely strict system of producing completely new exams and assignments, while making sure previous years' materials are not released. Combine this with an uncompromising curriculum in terms of breadth and depth, and you have one of the most rigorous CS programs in the world.

    Now you can argue whether all of this is unnecessary (whiteboard vs terminal coding), but the truth is, the sheer difficulty of the challenge tends to weed out the uncommitted. The reason why UWaterloo grads are humble, is because they have had their egos beaten out of them. Without exception, every UW Math/CS undergrad is one of the smartest people in their high school/town/province. They come to UW, and within the first year, they have a serious confidence crisis as they are failing courses and getting marks they've never seen before (50s 60s 70s).

    Once this occurs, they either quit, or swallow their ego and just focus on learning the material and preparing for the exams. There is no psychological foundation for arrogance, as even the best and brightest suffer failures repeatedly.

    To summarize: UWaterloo is war. Your morale suffers, your friends fail and leave, and you lose all hope. But the few who survive are battle-hardend engineers by the end.

    Unofficial UW motto: "Cry in the dojo, laugh in the battlefield."

    Addendum: Co-op terms are a refreshing break from this academic war zone. I was always amazed at how simple, straightforward and fun actual work was in comparison to the ruthlessness of the curriculum.

    The Waterloo (CS/Eng) intern ecosystem is immensely strong. First year students generally work at the best companies that they can, often taking smaller startups where they are able to learn the most. There's a steady transition to final co-op terms, where most classmates end up working in Silicon Valley, Redmond, NYC, and their own startups. It's a great place to be if you want to be part of brain drain.

    • 谢谢分享 +1
      • 这段说的是大实话, 估计多大的也没勇气这样说。 “Without exception,
        every UW Math/CS undergrad is one of the smartest people in their high school/town/province. They come to UW, and within the first year, they have a serious confidence crisis as they are failing courses and getting marks they've never seen before (50s 60s 70s).”
    • 谢谢分享
    • 谢谢分享
    • 这牛吹得没边了,是有些好学生,不过Waterloo CS毕业也有不少很笨很蠢的 +16
      • 我说了转帖仅供参考,拜托了好话坏话都别往我家娃身上招呼。 +7
        • 有些人就是这样,可能英语都没看明白,就先一棍子打死,全盘否定,和这样的人哪有道理可讲。 +1
    • 谢谢分享 +1
      • 哥儿夫大学今年好像有4个自杀的, 难道那儿的学习比滑大还紧张?
        • 这种事例会传染。那学校也有专业强项。
    • 谢谢分享 +3
    • Thanks for sharing. I forwarded your post to the Rolia English Forum: #2956@r
    • 这些年uw的难度也在下降。以前是很难
    • 看文章的意思,难不成淘汰率比多大还高? +1
    • 情感丰富,词藻煽人,很好的一篇招生广告文。如果英语很烂没看明白没有理会精神,对不起。 +5
      • hah,, go back to UT to learn English again!
    • 现在孩子毕业的华大婆婆妈妈多自然说滑大好,没什么啊,也是事实,显摆没罪,既然都是滑大的人,普天同庆有什么不好
    • i know in an advanced math class at UW, the lowest got less than 10 marks. but passed the course once curved up.
      • I was told an engineering class at University of Alberta getting average of 30 marks. No one passed 60s.
    • "Your morale suffers, your friends fail and leave, and you lose all hope."...... to say that he is being overly dramatic would be an understatement