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Two ways to report it: simple way is to put total rental income as Other Income with a note beside it in your regular tax return package. A formal way is to register a company ($70).

Put everything about the rental into your company account. This way, you can deduct some costs: portion (percentage of rental area over total floor area) of all your housing maitenance costs, including insurance, property tax, repair, utilities, mortgage interest, banking, advertising (100%), etc. Only the net income need to be reported as your income. For details obtain a "Business and Professional Income Guide" from Canada Custom and Revenue Agency's website www.ccra.ca. You need to keep all the receipts to support your claim.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 我把自己房子的两个房间租给别人住,贴补些家用,请问报税时如何报这一部分收入?税表里好像找不到,另外不报可以么?谢谢!
    • here
      • thanks! 不过请问里面的business number怎么填呀,我没有什么business呀?
        • leave it blank.
      • 你又浮出水面了
        • 基本就没有沉下去过,你好像也少露面了。
          • 最近事多,有空电话聊。
            • ok
    • 如果房子是租来的,你们各自报自己实际支付的部分;如果房子是你买的,情况就复杂多了,要填T776表申报房租收入,加到你的总收入中交税。不报?你自己看着办吧。有人撞死了人不也选择不报吗?
      • 如果房东不报税,租房人报了税,但没有房东的收据,会不会有问题?
        • 如果税务局没查到,那是你运气;如果抽查到你,会让你把房租收据寄去。
          • 有合同寄去行吗?但合同上房租后写“不报税“,可否说明房东不报税违法,而租房人报税是正确的呢?
            • the contract is illegal.
        • You can not deny if the rent was paid by cheque.
    • Two ways to report it: simple way is to put total rental income as Other Income with a note beside it in your regular tax return package. A formal way is to register a company ($70).
      Put everything about the rental into your company account. This way, you can deduct some costs: portion (percentage of rental area over total floor area) of all your housing maitenance costs, including insurance, property tax, repair, utilities, mortgage interest, banking, advertising (100%), etc. Only the net income need to be reported as your income. For details obtain a "Business and Professional Income Guide" from Canada Custom and Revenue Agency's website www.ccra.ca. You need to keep all the receipts to support your claim.
    • use form T776 - Real Estate Rentals to calculate your gross and net rental income and fill in the information in line 160 and line 120 of T1