Wordiness-using more words than necessary to express a meaning-is often a sign of lazy or careless writing. Your readers may resent the extra time and energy they must spend when you have not done the work needed to make your writing direct and concise.
Follow is a list of some wordy expressions that could be reduced to single words.
Wordy Form---Short Form
at the present time---now
in the event that ---if
in the near future---soon
due to the fact that---because
for the reason that---because
is able to--- can
in every instant---always
in this day and age---today
during the time that---while
a large number of ---many
big in size---big
red in colour---red
five in number---five
commute back and forth---commute
postphone until later---postponed
Follow is a list of some wordy expressions that could be reduced to single words.
Wordy Form---Short Form
at the present time---now
in the event that ---if
in the near future---soon
due to the fact that---because
for the reason that---because
is able to--- can
in every instant---always
in this day and age---today
during the time that---while
a large number of ---many
big in size---big
red in colour---red
five in number---five
commute back and forth---commute
postphone until later---postponed