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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

It's not too difficult to get 10% after we know all the rules of the stock market. Honestly, I promised 8-11% return for my clients for several years in China...

Even though it's private deal and illegal in China.

In most cases, people can't understand how it happens. But to those who are working on it, all the things are very simple.

However, the happy times have gone. The chances to get 20-50% return without risk in China has gone forever. I cherish the memory of that time deeply.

Therefore, I realize that stock market has huge wealth if you working hard to understand the rules and find a way. Therefore, I think there must be more chances in China to earn money than here because too many people have tried the profitable ways...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 一哥儿们前一阵子告诉我,说他去听了一个所谓讲座,主讲人号称是股票大王,精通北美股市。 该“股王” 鼓吹说大熊市已过,大牛市已到来,让人们把钱给他操作,可以赚钱。 不知有没有上当者? 看看这牛市吧! 纳斯达
    克一天跌了46点! 这年头,骗子太多了,可得堤防着点。 别让给骗个精光!
    • 我对什么王什么王的不感冒。。看看龙王就知道了,是传说中的人物,不是真的。。
      • 我也是这么看。 血汗钱不容易,可别糟蹋了!
      • 龙王可是能呼风唤雨的哦,不可小看
    • are you insinuating that best-seller author?
      • 原来那人是你!
      • 从实招来,骗了多少了?
        • a variety of Chinese cabbage.....
          • 够买一胴瘩白薯了吧?
            • frame me...
              • I offer you a free pardon.
              • 要甚么样子的架构和形状?
    • 我知道是有这么一个人,赫赫有名 :D
      • 你是不是在夸自己呀 :)
        • 那你就不能给我当个托儿? :))
          • 还得换马甲,多麻烦啊。
      • 那儿是阿丽梦啊我来离萨吗?
    • I think you can operate by yourself, it is more comfortable and have lots of fun.
      • Definitely
    • 说打就打了,现在乱哄哄的,何必冒险趟浑水?牛势熊势都是一夜间的事
      • 一夜??
        • 可不吗! 按俺哥们讲的,纳指今年又要冲3000点呢!
        • 是呀,打和不打不就是一夜间的事?
    • Is that guy from Merrill Lynch or Goldman Sachs? Probably Ms. Cohan?
    • 一天跌几十点并不说明问题. 有些投资经理还是很厉害的.
      • 真的吗? 只要拿人保我10%增长,我把前就缴给蹋了!
        • 8%我就干了
    • 讲座在哪,我倒想去听听。不过我觉得现在 Nasdaq 还并没走坏啊,也许我还看不远吧。想认识些高手,指点指点。
      • 阿丽梦啊我来离萨好像知道很多扼,没准是她/他呢! 把钱给踏吧!
    • 下跌很正常。把钱给他操作?他能保证多少的收益率?要能保证10%,又能够立合同的话,砸锅卖铁都给他做。别又把国内“代客理财”,结果搞到南方证券要破产那套拿来。
      • It's not too difficult to get 10% after we know all the rules of the stock market. Honestly, I promised 8-11% return for my clients for several years in China...
        Even though it's private deal and illegal in China.

        In most cases, people can't understand how it happens. But to those who are working on it, all the things are very simple.

        However, the happy times have gone. The chances to get 20-50% return without risk in China has gone forever. I cherish the memory of that time deeply.

        Therefore, I realize that stock market has huge wealth if you working hard to understand the rules and find a way. Therefore, I think there must be more chances in China to earn money than here because too many people have tried the profitable ways...
        • Well then, why did you come here? Or you are still in China making big bucks? The stock markets in North Amercia and China are totally different in terms of the ways they are handled.
          • However, the happy times have gone. The chances to get 20-50% return without risk in China has gone forever. I cherish the memory of that time deeply.
            • You must have been an insider or knew the high ups in China. That's the only way you can make big money there! Hardworking doesn't work at all.
              • Heihei, You must go to the moon or live in the land of peach blossoms in those years... I pretty sure anyone work in stock at that time know what I'm meaning...
                • No, but a late starter and very inexperienced.
                  • All right, anyway, just forget about it. The happy times have gone. The chances to get 20-50% return without risk in China have gone forever. I cherish the memory of that time deeply.
                    • Hei, 你是XD 还是JM?
                      • ???
                        • 兄弟OR姐妹?
                          • Is this important? Just try to treat me as EYZ.
            • 你一定赚够了吧, 阿丽梦啊我来离萨?
          • by the way, if you are serious, you can refer to #1001522, I'm serious.
        • 国内做这个不希奇,我也做得到。:)
          • I trust you!
            • 这不重要,重要的是不要再宣传自己做不到的事情。
              • I got it. Thanks...
      • 估计拿人连2%也不敢保呢。 在国内遇到的这类人都是把你骗个屁滚尿流,卷走钱财了事。 又是一个大骗子吧!
        • Don't make a conclusion so fast, my dear! No one can 卷走钱财 if you pay a little more attention on the broker's rule. You may know most of brokers support two passwords, one is for money, another is for transaction...
          The first password is held by the client. They can deposit or withdraw money from their accounts.

          The second password is held by 巴菲特 or those investors. They can only do transactions. In other words, they have no way to 卷走钱财 because they don't have your first password.

          In this situation, the only risk is the client 卷走钱财 after several successful transactions without pay the commission.
      • 立了合同就有用吗,等你亏了钱,让他赔, 他拿什么赔给你?他宣布破产呢。
        • Smart Girl.
    • 让俺空军司令呸他一脸黑,呵呵
    • 这么厉害的话,用不着在这骗穷人的钱了,有人听说华伦,巴菲特这样拉客的吗.
      • Do you want to beat 华伦,巴菲特 or at lease as successful as him? Here is the way anyone can do...
        Buy a few shares of "Berkshire Hathaway". (BRKa or BRKb)


        There are at least two kinds of people go in for business of 拉客. Some of them 拉客 in streets, bars, or motels. Others live in 5 star hotel, or noble apartment, waiting for the 客 come. The only difference is: their self-quality and price. The essence is the same.

        Don't think there is some huge difference between them. They are the same.
        • exactly, if you are a 5 star hotel qualified, why bother standing at the street, if I have 20,000 usd, of course I would have Berkshire Hathaway instead of giving it to a shit head.
          • My dear, calm down.... BRKb need only 2,200, not too expensive, eh? You needn't 20,000 to buy a share... Then, you can be as successful as Buffet. good luck!
      • 他要是真能保证做到10%,完全可以去银行或其他投资机构贷款做,相信这些机构只要年8%。他也用不着来这费口舌。
        • 看来兄弟姐妹们不是那么容易上受骗的。